
Advanced installer
Advanced installer

Examples 1.Windows Installer is becoming the "de facto" software installation technology on Windows. IMPORTANT: The the changes made to the AIP file through the edit commands are available only during the pipeline. For a complete list of supported commands see the edit commands. aip-commandsĪdditional Advanced Installer arguments passed along with the package build command. Since this option is related to a build, it requires aip-build-name to be specified. aip-build-nameĪdvanced Installer project build to use. This is mandatory if for all the other aip-* parameters. The Advanced Installer project (.AIP) to be built. This capability needs Advanced Installer 16.1 or higher. advinst-enable-automationĮnable Advanced Installer PowerShell automation. This parameter is optional if you are using a simple project type. advinst-licenseĪdvanced Installer license ID. You can specify a custom download location by using the advancedinstaller_url environment variable. For a list of valid versions please see the versions history If not specified the latest version will be used.

advanced installer

advinst-versionĪdvanced Installer version to deploy.

advanced installer

You can use it when you plan on using Advanced Installer from a PowerShell script or build a Visual Studio project. IMPORTANT: By specifying only the Tool Parameters you can restrict the action usage to deploy only.

  • AIP Project Parameters - their names have format: aip-*.
  • Tool Deploy Parameters - their names have format: advinst-*.
  • advanced installer

    The input parameters are of two categories: Advinst-version: ' ' advinst-license: ' ' advinst-enable-automation: ' ' aip-path: ' ' aip-build-name: ' ' aip-package-name: ' ' aip-output-dir: ' ' aip-commands: |

    Advanced installer